  • 期刊


The Evolution, Features and Compositional Technique of Antithetic Quatrains: A Study Based on the Poems of Wang Anshi




王安石 杜甫 絕句 「偶體絕句」 章法


Antithetic quatrains (outi jueju 偶體絕句) are a type of quatrain with unique aesthetic requirements. They differ from the general framework and aesthetic paradigm of regular quatrains in that they require antithesis, a feature that often inhibited artful composition and led authors to overly focus on delicate refinement. In the Tang dynasty, poets produced a considerable number of antithetic quatrains. For example, Du Fu 杜甫 directed a great deal of effort towards the composition of antithetic quatrains and he created an important variant of the form. In the Song dynasty, Wang Anshi 王安石 was the great master of the antithetic quatrain and his creative output was considerable. His antithetic quatrains show a remarkable level of skill, and further exhibit a masterful artistry as well as a high degree of difficulty. In his promotion of the form, Wang advocated for the composition of exquisite and refined poems, and insisted that they realize the poetic conceptions of nature, ease and comfort. Moreover, he endeavored to develop the literary merit of antithetic quatrains and eventually succeeded in establishing a style of his own. In this article, I analyze the evolution of antithetic quatrains over the course of the Tang dynasty on the basis of statistical data. I moreover compare Wang's antithetic quatrains to those composed by Du Fu, as well as other poets, in order to identify the unique features of his poems and reveal his contributions to this poetic form.


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