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A Study of Applying Performance-Based Contracts for Government Service Procurements


政府採購法下的勞務採購,多以傳統的投入式指標(Input-based measures)做為衡量廠商契約履行成效與付款的依據,而國外近來已逐漸採用產出式(output-based)或成果式(outcome-based)的成效式契約(Performance-BasedContracts, PBC),以改善原有契約過於重視投入或過程,而忽略採購最終目的是取得滿意的服務。雖然成效式契約並不見得適用所有類型的採購,但對於提供服務為核心的勞務採購而言,國外已有相當多的成功經驗,如何引進國外成功經驗以提升國內政府採購的整體效益,是國內應該積極面對的課題。本文藉由分析PBC相關文獻、國外推動成效式服務契約(Performance-Based Service Contracts)之作法,並討論國內技術服務採用PBC之可行性,進而提出國內勞務採購日後使用PBC之建議。本文認為國內勞務服務採購採用成效式契約具有可行性,政府若能訂出完整作業手冊,並對採購的所有利害關係人進行必要的教育訓練,便能使國內勞務採購容易且正確地導入成效式契約。


Payments for service procurements under Government Procurements Act in Taiwan employ traditional input-based measures. However, for obtaining more satisfied services, other countries have employed the Performance-Based Contracts (PBC) in which output-based or outcome-based performance measures are used. PBC is not suitable for all kinds of procurements, but it has been successfully employed for service procurements in many countries. How to learn other countries' experience of employing PBC in government procurements is an essential issue for improving the performance of government procurements in Taiwan. This article reviews the literature related to PBC and the approaches of promoting Performance-Based Service Contracts (PBSC) in other counties, discusses the possibility of applying PBC to technical service procurements, and proposes some recommendations for implementing PBSC in the future. This article concludes that it is possible to employ PBC for service procurements. If the government can develop complete implementation guide and conduct necessary trainings for all procurement stakeholders, it makes government service procurements to employ PBC correctly and easily.


Benjamin, L., 2008, Performance-based Contracting for Health Services in Developing Countries: A Toolkit, The World Bank, ISBN: 978-0-8213-7536-5.
Piñero, J. C., 2003, “A framework for monitoring performance-based road maintenance,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Civil Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA.
Singh, J., Limaye, D. R., Henderson B., and Shi, X., Public Procurement of Energy Efficiency Services Lessons from International Experience, The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, ISBN 978-0-8213-8062-8.


