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Developing RFI and Communication Model Integrated BIM Technology for Building Projects


在建築工程中業界目前大多使用2D圖說來進行圖面套繪檢討,並將所發現之問題提出釋疑與各相關職責單位進行疑義澄清,由於2D圖說之限制造成不易察覺過程中之盲點及潛藏問題,這幾年來由於具有3D視覺化特性之建築資訊模型技術(Building Information Modeling,BIM)的廣泛應用、利用圖資連動性等特性協助於圖面整合檢討能使專案人員更直觀且完整的檢視工程之全貌,有效提升專案於圖面疑義澄清之成效。目前國內有許多工程案例在施工階段已經採用BIM技術來協助疑義澄清及溝通管理之用途,由於過程中有相當多的BIM模型及相關資訊需要被管理及追蹤,為提升BIM技術應用於建築工程釋疑及溝通管理之效果,本研究提出了BIM-based工程釋疑及溝通管理模式,包含BIM-based釋疑管理模式及BIM-based方案建議管理模式,以確保專案中疑義澄清事件都能有效管理與追蹤,期能提升工程疑義澄清管理之效能。本研究將BIM-based工程釋疑及溝通管理模式實際導入國內工程BIM專案,探討其主要效益及限制,其結果驗證透過BIM-based工程釋疑及溝通管理模式不僅可以加強BIM-based圖面檢討之溝通與管理效益,同時有效改善疑義澄清之事件管理,減少工程中因管理不善所帶來之錯誤與浪費。


The building information modeling (BIM) approach, which is utilized to retain information in a digital format, facilitates easy updating and transferring of information in the three-dimensional (3D) Computer-aided Design (CAD) environment. When the application of BIM technology is adopted at a jobsite, numerous problems and responds associated with BIM-related requests for information (RFI) occur between the office and jobsites during the construction phase. The BIM-based RFI and communication model is important and necessary for successful BIM management. Generally, the applications of BIM-based RFI communication are used and adapted as a communication tool among the BIM manager, BIM engineers, and onsite engineers. However, current communication is ineffective in recording and managing the BIM-related RFI communication and responds process. With an occurrence of a RFI issue, the BIM manager or BIM engineers will need to discuss and obtain correct feedback from onsite engineers and respond based on BIM models information received. Furthermore, all information regarding BIM-based RFI issues should be organized and managed effectively. Finally, the purpose of this study is to develop BIM-based RFI and Communication Model to enhance BIM-based RFI communication and management efficiently. The proposed approach includes BIM-based RFI model and BIM-based solution selection mode. Finally, the proposed model is applied to a case study of a building project in Taiwan to verify its efficacy and demonstrate its management effectiveness. Case study results show that the proposed model is effective BIM-based RFI management approach in practice.


Kristen Barlish, and Kenneth Sullivan, 2012, “ How to measure the benefits of BIM — A case study approach ”, Automation in Construction, Vol. 24, pp.149-159.
