

本研究計畫以氣相層析質譜儀(GC/MS)開發愷他命毒品之定量方法,以全質譜掃描(full scan)及選擇特定離子碎片偵測(selected ion monitoring,SIM)併行的方式同時鑑別及定量愷他命。經研究評估後,ketamine之定性,選定之離子為m/z 102、138、152、180及209,定量之離子為m/z 180。分析方法經確效評估,線性範圍在50-1000μg/mL間,其線性判定係數r2可達0.9949以上,最低可檢出濃度(LOD)為1μg/mL,而最低可定量濃度(LOQ)為1μg/mL。且同日內精密度為4.7%之內,準確度大於94.1%;而異日間精密度4.4%之內,準確度大於96.8%,可得到良好的精密度及準確度。本分析條件及方法可供鑑別愷他命,並作為定量分析之方法。另經分析55件樣品結果發現其Ketamine平均含量57.8至99.4%,檢體大部分以白色結晶性粉末為主,少量為白色粉末。本研究建立愷他命毒品檢測方法,操作步驟簡單,可節省時間、人力與免去內標準品、衍生化試劑使用,可作為愷他命毒品含量測定應用。


This study developed the method for quantitative analysis of the drug ketamine by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Full scan and Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM) mode were used for the identification and quantification of ketamine. The study selected ion m/z 102, 138, 152, 180 and 209 for identification, and for the quantification ion m/z 180 was used. The method was validated with a linear range of 50-1000 μg/mL. The linear coefficient of determination r2 was 0.9949 or above. The limit of detection (LOD) was 1 μg/mL, and the limit of quantification (LOQ) 1 μg/mL. The intra-day precision was within 4.7% and inter-day precision within 4.4%. This method is used for the identification of ketamine and also for the quantitative analysis employed in real samples. From the analysis of 55 real samples, the average ketamine level was from 57.8 to 99.4%. Most specimens were white crystalline powder while a small portion was white powder. This study thus established a ketamine drug analysis method with simple steps and short time of analysis. In addition, no derivatization reagent was needed.


