  • 期刊


Survey on the Safety of Food-Use Detergents


本研究彙整國內食品用洗潔劑之使用成分與來源等產品資訊,同時進行市售產品的標示調查,並以行政院衛生署公告之「食品用洗潔劑檢驗方法」和「食品用洗潔劑中壬基苯酚及壬基苯酚聚乙氧基醇類之檢驗方法」分析砷、重金屬、甲醇、螢光增白劑以及壬基苯酚類化合物等成分。調查結果,產品標示調查部分,300件食品用洗潔劑中,未標示「pH值」、「主要成分之化學名稱」和「使用濃度」的比例較高,分別為73、65.6和54.7%。此外,進口之食品用洗潔劑,有未標示中文或有標示翻譯不全之情形(11%)。於檢測結果部分,280件樣本中,砷和重金屬的含量皆符合食品用洗潔劑衛生標準之規定,分別低於0.05 ppm和1 ppm;螢光增白劑和壬基苯酚類化合物皆未檢出;甲醇部分,有3件樣本濃度超過1 mg/mL之限量標準(分別為2.05、2.08及3.36 mg/mL),其餘樣本的濃度則在0.04-0.88 mg/mL之間。


The manufacturing information of food-use detergents including their raw materials and its sources were first collected to establish a database of ingredients. In addition, to investigate whether the commercial detergents were labeled according to the regulations, the detergent samples were analyzed to determine the amounts of hazardous ingredients by using the 'Test Method for Food Use Detergents' and the 'Test Method for Nonylphenol and Nonylphenol Polyethoxylates in Food Use Detergents', which were recommended by the Department of Health (DOH) of Taiwan. Among the 300 kinds of food detergents collected, the results showed that 73% did not list their pH value, 65.6% did not list the chemical names of main component, and 54.7% did not list the suggested concentrations for use. 11% of imported products did not have labels in Chinese or were not well translated. For the 280 food detergents whose possible ingredients were determined, the concentrations of arsenic and heavy metals all met the sanitation standard of food detergents, i.e., lower than 0.05 ppm and 1 ppm, respectively. Optical brighteners, nonylphenols and nonylphenol polyethoxylates were not detected in all the samples (below the detection limits). However, the concentrations of methanol in 3 out of 280 samples exceeded the regulation limit of 1 mg/mL (2.05, 2.08, and 3.36 mg/mL). The concentrations of methanol in other samples ranged from 0.04 to 0.88 mg/mL.
