  • 期刊


Results of Proficiency Testing in 2012: Veterinary Drug Residues (Multiresidue Analysis) in Food


101年舉辦實驗室對於食品中動物用藥多重殘留分析檢驗能力試驗,測試樣品係以牛奶為基質,參與測試之實驗室包括7縣市衛生局及13家民間實驗室。測試結果除以Robust-Z值進行判定,│Z│≦2為滿意,2<│Z│<3為應注意,│Z│≧3為不滿意外,動物用藥加值0.1-1 ppm時,測試結果介於添加值之70-110%範圍內者判定為「滿意」;介於60-70%或110-120%範圍內,判定為「應注意」;超出此範圍之測試結果,判定為「不滿意」。動物用藥添加值0.01-0.1 ppm時,測試結果測試值介於添加值之70-120%範圍內者判定為「滿意」;介於60-70%或120-130%範圍內,判定為「應注意」;超出此範圍之測試結果,判定為「不滿意」。各項動物用藥判定標準係以Robust-Z或回收率擇優者為評定結果。評列為「滿意」有12家(60.0%),「應注意」有2家(10.0%),「不滿意」有6家實驗室(30.0%)。本次參加之實驗室為TFDA認證項目者共計4家,評列為「不滿意」有1家實驗室。評列為「不滿意」之實驗室,除提供矯正報告,並以盲樣檢體進行複測後已完成改善。透過本次能力試驗,不僅了解絕大多數實驗室對動物用藥多重殘留分析之檢驗能力表現,也提供實驗室間檢驗技術能力比較之機會,可作為實驗室持續改進其品質管理系統之參考。


A proficiency testing was held in 2012 on veterinary drug residues (multiresidue analysis) in food. Milk were used as the testing material. A total of 20 laboratories participated in the test. The analytical results were analyzed using Robust-Z into three grading categories as follows: |Z| score ≤ 2 as "satisfactory", 2 < |Z| < 3 as "acceptable" and |Z| ≥ 3 as "unsatisfactory". Results of spiked experiments should demonstrate between70-110% recovery for analyte concentrations between 0.1-1 ppm as "satisfactory", 60-70% or 110-120% recovery as "acceptable", < 60% or > 120% recovery as "unsatisfactory"; and between 70-120% recovery for concentrations between 0.01-0.1 ppm as "satisfactory", 60-70% or 120-130% as "acceptable", < 60% or > 130% as "unsatisfactory". Choice of better grade were made based on Robust-Z or recovery. Among the laboratories evaluated, 12, 2 and 6 were graded as satisfactory, acceptable and unsatisfactory, respectively. Laboratories graded in the category of "unsatisfactory" were mandated to provide a report of correction, as well as were requested to take a second test. Laboratories are expected to consistently improve their quality control system through this proficiency testing routine.
