

食因性病毒被認為是造成急性腸胃炎發生的主因之一,常見的食因性病毒有諾羅病毒(Norovirus)、星狀病毒(Astrovirus)以及A型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis A virus)等。食藥署自99年至102年止之統計,台灣每年約有4%至7%的食品中毒案件屬於諾羅病毒感染案件,隨著檢驗技術的發展與流行病學的持續調查,將可瞭解上述相關病因物質是否為病毒所造成。本計畫自103年1月至12月間共採集300件檢體,分別為93件台灣產銷之牡蠣、7件進口牡蠣、43件台灣產銷之生蠔、107件進口生蠔、17件台灣產銷之蔬果以及33件進口蔬果,並以聚合酶鏈鎖反應法(PCR)及巢式聚合酶鏈鎖反應法(Nested-PCR)檢測諾羅病毒GI、GII型、星狀病毒、A型肝炎病毒、沙波病毒(Sapovirus)、腸病毒(Enterovirus)、輪狀病毒A、B、C型(Rotavirus A、B、C)以及E型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis E virus)。結果顯示,300件檢體中有2件檢體受到食因性病毒污染,皆為韓國進口之生蠔檢體,聚合酶鏈反應法產物定序比對結果,確定分別與諾羅病毒GII型、星狀病毒相似度皆達99%,總檢出率為0.67%(2/300),而諾羅病毒GI型、A型肝炎病毒、沙波病毒、腸病毒、輪狀病毒A、B、C三型、E型肝炎病毒皆未檢出。本計畫中所有陽性檢體均僅受一種食因性病毒污染,與其他國家相比,台灣地區貝類養殖區之周邊汙水處理廠設置密度較低,且台灣位處亞熱帶地區,其海水溫度較歐美與東北亞國家高,因此牡蠣、生蠔以及易生食之蔬果類其食因性病毒污染率較低。本次調查結果針對目前市售高污染風險產品如貝類、蔬果類進行監測,便可瞭解食品之衛生現況,建構台灣食品中食因性病毒之背景資料與在各類食品基質中的分布情形,以供消費者選購、業者提昇產品品質及衛生行政單位、邊境查驗單位輔導管理之參考。


Foodborne viruses, such as norovirus, astrovirus, and hepatitis A virus, are recognized as the leading cause of epidemic and sporadic acute gastroenteritis. According the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Food and Drug Administration in Taipei, Taiwan, from 2010 to 2013, approximately 4-7% of foodpoisoning cases were caused by norovirus. With the development of detection methods and an ongoing epidemiological surveillance, identifying viral agents of a foodborne illness is attainable. In this study, 300 specimens were collected from January 23, 2014 to December 5, 2014 to detect the presence or absence of norovirus GI and GII, astrovirus, hepatitis A virus, sapovirus, enterovirus, rotaviruses A, B, C, and hepatitis E virus using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and nested-PCR. These specimens consisted of domestic oysters (93), imported oysters (7), domestic oysters for direct human consumption (43), imported oysters for direct human consumption (107), domestic produce (17), and imported produce (33). Two, (namely Korean oysters for direct human consumption) of the 300 specimens, were contaminated by foodborne viruses: norovirus GII and astrovirus. Sequence analysis of PCR indicate that the norovirus GII and astrovirus detected had a 99% similarity. The total detection rate of foodborne viruses was 0.67%. Norovirus GI, hepatitis A virus, sapovirus, enterovirus, rotaviruses A, B, C, and hepatitis E virus were tested negative in all the samples. In this study, all virus-positive specimens were contaminated by one species. In Taiwan, there are comparatively fewer sewage treatment plants near shellfish harvesting areas. Furthermore, in subtropical Taiwan, seawater temperature is higher than in Europe, the Americas, and Northeastern Asian countries. Therefore the incidence of foodborne viruses in oysters, oysters for direct human consumption, and produce for direct human consumption is lower in Taiwan than in other countries. Through monitoring marketed high risk foods for contamination in Taiwan, such as shellfish, fruits and vegetables, we can monitor the current situation of food hygiene and establish the background and distribution of foodborne viruses in various food matrices. This study is a reference for consumers, food manufacturers, and government agencies, such as the food standards agency, as well as the customs and border protection.

