

為瞭解臺灣地區生產之食米中重金屬(鎘、汞、鉛)含量之現況,由各縣市衛生局至其轄區碾米廠採取一、二期作之食米檢體,102及103年分別抽驗檢體202件及200件,共計402件,由食藥署與協力衛生局(基隆市、南投縣、台南市)依據衛生福利部公告方法執行檢驗。402件食米鎘、汞及鉛含量檢測結果,鎘含量平均值為0.04 ppm(未檢出-0.27 ppm),汞含量平均值為0.002 ppm (未檢出-0.031 ppm),鉛含量平均值為0.02 ppm (未檢出-0.14 ppm),均未超出臺灣『食米重金屬限量標準』(鎘0.4 ppm、汞0.05 ppm及鉛0.2 ppm)。統計91年至103年間臺灣地區生產之食米中重金屬鎘、汞、鉛之含量總平均值分別為0.04 ppm (未檢出-0.38 ppm)、0.003 ppm (未檢出-0.031 ppm)及0.02 ppm (未檢出-0.29 ppm)。


食米 重金屬


In order to investigate the contents of heavy metals (cadmium, mercury and lead) in rice in Taiwan, rice samples from rice millers were collected by the local health bureaus. Two hundred and two rice samples in 2013 and 200 rice samples in 2014 were analyzed. The TFDA and 3 local health bureaus conducted the analysis according to the official methods. The results showed that the average contents of cadmium, mercury and lead in rice were 0.04 ppm (ND-0.27 ppm), 0.002 ppm (ND-0.031 ppm) and 0.02 ppm (ND-0.14 ppm) respectively. All the rice samples showed compliance with the regulations set by the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare. The results of this study are consistent with the monitored date since 2002. The mean levels of cadmium, mercury and lead in rice were 0.04 ppm, 0.003 ppm, 0.02 ppm respectively.


rice heavy metals cadmium mercury lead
