  • 期刊


Determination of Dimethyl Fumarate in Food by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry


本研究建立以頂空固相微萃取技術(head space solid phase microextraction,HS-SPME)搭配氣相層析質譜法(gas chromatography / mass spectrometry, GC/MS)檢測食品中反丁烯二酸二甲酯(dimethyl fumarate, DMF)之殘留檢驗方法。檢體以頂空固相微萃取後進樣,改進了以往須以大量有機溶劑萃取之缺點,此外由於使用頂空分析,樣品不須經繁瑣的前處理步驟,節省了大量操作時間與溶劑。於食品檢體中添加適當標準溶液進行回收率及重複性等試驗。試驗結果,反丁烯二酸二甲酯之回收率為88.3 - 117.5% (添加濃度0.2及1 ppm),變異係數均小於7%,定量極限為0.2 ppm。利用本方法進行市售10件糕點及10件麵包檢體之反丁烯二酸二甲酯殘留分析,檢驗結果,上述食品檢體均未檢出反丁烯二酸二甲酯。


An analytical method for the determination of dimethyl fumarate (DMF) in food by headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) with gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry (GC/MS) was developed. HS-SPME is fast, simple and solvent-free, compared to conventional methods. A recovery study was performed by spiking standards into blank samples. The results showed great linearity of calibration. The recoveries of DMF were between 88.3 and 117.5% with coefficients of variation (CV) of less than 7% at 0.2 ppm and 1 ppm. The quantification limit of DMF was 0.2 ppm. A survey on the content of DMF in 10 cakes and 10 breads was done and all the samples were found negative for DMF.
