

臺灣中藥典第二版記載大青葉(Isatidis Folium)藥材為十字花科(Cruciferae)植物菘藍Isatis indigotica Fort.的乾燥葉,為常用之清熱藥,具清熱、解毒、涼血等功效,因歷代本草記載大青葉藥材品種不一,加上地區習慣用藥不同,導致市場藥材出現混充大青葉之情形。常見大青葉混誤用品有蓼科(Polygonaceae)植物蓼藍Polygonum tinctorium Ait.、爵床科(Acanthaceae)植物馬蘭Baphicacanthus cusia Bremek.及馬鞭草科(Verbenaceae)植物大青Clerodendrum crytophyllum Turcz的乾燥葉等。本研究分別就外觀性狀及顯微鏡檢,再結合薄層層析(TLC)之成分比較,建立大青葉藥材鑑別方法及檢索表,並應用於各地蒐集之23件大青葉市售藥材鑑定,研究結果顯示,23件檢體中有11(47.8%)件為馬藍,1(4.3%)件為蓼藍。研究成果可運用於業務執行或供藥廠及中藥材業者參考,以保障民眾用藥安全。


大青葉 菘藍 生藥鑑別 馬藍 蓼藍


In Taiwan Herbal Pharmacopeia 2^(nd) edition, Isatidis Folium of the Cruciferae Family is the dried leaf of Isatis indigotica Fort. which is generally used heat-clearing medicine with the effects of heat-clearing, detoxifying and cooling blood. In the past, the botanical origin of Isatidis Folium was different in each herbal references plus the divergence of regional usage leading to the rampant situation of alternate. The dried leaf of Polygonum tinctorium Ait. (Fam. Polygonaceae), Baphicacanthus cusia Bremek. (Fam. Acanthaceae) and Clerodendrum crytophyllum Turcz (Fam. Verbenaceae) are the common substitutes on the retail market. In this study, 23 specimens of Isatidis Folium collected from Taiwan were classified according to their morphology, microscopy and thin layer chromatographic analysis. The results show 11of 23 (47.8%) Isatidis Folium samples were B. cusia and 1(4.3%) sample was P. tinctorium. The authentic method of Isatidis Folium can be utilized as a reference for identification and quality control to the pharmaceutical company and retail store.

