  • 期刊


Effectiveness Analysis of the Advanced Measures for Sanitary Certification Application for Export of Processed Food from 2017 to 2019


食品輸出業者為應出具證明文件之需要,得向主管機關申請外銷證明文件。衛生福利部食品藥物管理署(下稱食藥署)為我國核發外銷衛生證明機關之一,針對我國製造之外銷加工食品、食品添加物及食品器具容器包裝,提供「衛生證明(sanitary certificate)」申辦服務。106年起,食藥署陸續推動衛生證明線上申辦、申辦流程及文件簡化等精進措施。經分析106年度至108年度食藥署受理業者申請外銷加工食品、食品添加物及食品器具容器包裝之「衛生證明」案件,實施相關精進措施後,申請案件之審查天數均有減少,其中符合特定條件之案件審查天數更可減少一半以上。


To respond to the request of documentary proof, the food exporters may apply for export certification to the competent authority. TFDA, as one of export certification authorities in Taiwan, provides "sanitary certificate" application services for processed foods, food additives and food utensils or food containers manufactured in Taiwan. Since 2017, TFDA has successively promoted advanced measures such as an online application of sanitary certificates and the simplified process for application and documentation. According to the results analyzed for the "sanitary certificate" application for the export of processed foods, food additives and food utensils or food containers that TFDA has accepted from 2017 to 2019, the reviewing days for the application has been shortened after the implementation of relevant advanced measures. Under specific conditions, the reviewing days can even be shortened by more than half.
