

臺灣金線連係蘭科(Orchidaceae)植物Anoectochilus formosanus之葉,在臺灣作為民間珍稀草藥金線連(Anoectochili Herba)的使用基原,用於治療高血壓、高血糖。由於金線連在各地使用習慣不同且數量稀少,造成混用情形頻繁。本研究收集金線連類對照物種8種及市售檢體23件,分別就性狀、顯微鏡檢與薄層層析法建立鑑別方法,利用UHPLC-Q-TOF MS進行成分分析,並透過預測模型之建立與主成分分析進行金線連類物種之基原與摻混鑑別。研究發現市售金線連檢體中,4件(17.4%)為臺灣金線連(A. formosanus),2件(8.7%)為圓葉鴨跖草(Commelina benghalensis),1件(4.3%)為花格斑葉蘭(G. kwangtungensis),5件(21.7%)未檢出,11件(47.8%)為多物種摻混。


The botanical origin of Anoectochili Herba is the leaf of Anoectochilus formosanus of the Orchidaceae Family. It's a folk medicine used for treating hypertension and hyperglycemia. However, the divergence of regional usage and short supply leading to rampant situation of alternate use. In this study, we collected 8 Anoectochili Herba-associated species as classification model, and 23 market bought Anoectochili Herba samples classified according to their morphology, microscopy and thin layer chromatographic analysis. Chemical composition was analyzed using UHPLC-Q-TOF MS and processed by principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) prediction model. The results showed 4 of 23 (17.4%) Anoectochili Herba samples were A. formosanus, two (8.7%) were Commelina benghalensis, one (4.3%) was G. kwangtungensis, five (21.7%) were non-detect, eleven (47.8%) were multispecies.

