

SweEt殘留農藥分析方法(Swedish ethyl acetate method)為1989年由瑞典國家食品管理局(Swedish National Food Agency)所建立,其分析流程不須淨化步驟,具分析時間短、流程簡單等優點。目前,SweEt、QuEChERS與Dutch mini-Luke萃取法為歐盟主要農藥分析方法。本研究參考歐盟參考實驗室及瑞典國家食品管理局之分析流程,針對尚無檢驗方法之14項農藥進行試驗。測試基質為蔬果類、穀類及茶類,分別以蘋果、白米及綠茶作為代表性基質;由於茶類基質較為複雜,為保護層析管柱及儀器,另參考國際文獻及食品中殘留農藥檢驗方法-多重殘留分析方法(六)之淨化粉劑進行淨化流程之評估。本研究以SweEt之流程進行調整,並進行蘋果、白米及綠茶基質之添加回收及重複性試驗,綠茶基質額外再以PSA、GCB及CaCl_2之淨化粉劑進行淨化,以建立「SweEt殘留農藥分析方法」。結果顯示,14項農藥中符合衛生福利部食品藥物管理署(下稱食藥署)「食品化學檢驗方法之確效規範」,且定量極限可滿足衛生福利部公告之「農藥殘留容許量標準」,於蘋果基質中有10項,定量極限為0.01-0.05 ppm;於白米基質中有10項,定量極限為0.02-0.1 ppm;於綠茶中有7項,定量極限均為0.05 ppm。


The Swedish National Food Agency (NFA) developed a multi-residue analytical method for pesticide residues based on the ethyl acetate extraction, followed by LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS determinations in 1989, so called SweEt. This multi-residue analytical method had been revised continuously to improve and simplify the methodology for pesticides residue analysis. For example, the original clean-up procedure was eliminated entirely and the addition of sodium sulfate anhydrous was applied to remove the water in all matrices. SweEt as well as QuEChERS and Dutch mini-Luke methods were the main multi-residue analytical methods for pesticides in the EU at present. This study evaluated the analytical method for 14 pesticides in the matrices of tea, cereals and fruit in reference to the analytical methods of the European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL) and the Swedish National Food Agency. The results showed tea matrix was complicated and further clean-up processes were required to protect and extend the life of analytical column. The established "SweEt multi-residue method" in this study offered good capacities in which 10, 10, and 7 pesticides were able to be quantitated in apple, rice and tea among 14 pesticides, respectively.


SweEt ethyl acetate LC-MS/MS
