  • 期刊


Critical Psychology, Discourse and Practice


此演講介紹批判心理學的發展脈絡、問題意識、革命目標。講者從馬克思主義的生產論述為基礎,討論批判心理學主要的對話對象:主流心理學。批判心理學抽絲剖繭主流心理學知識生產的政治脈絡。講者以「心理熱潮」(Psy-Complex)一詞描述人類社會被個人主義、本質化和正常化論述建構的政治脈絡,而身處此脈絡中的主流心理學者作繭自縛,無法突破理論困境,也無力扭轉社會困境。因此,批判心理學的發展初衷在於,探問主流心理學怎樣被建構成個人的常識資源,成為理解自我、他人,並衡量改變社會狀態的可能性?如何社會過程被不斷複製和維持在人我往來的層次,而個人經驗被看作是心理學層次?為什麼有些活動模式不斷被結構以鞏固權力關係,即使個人心理層次有意改變也無法達成?理論論述如何捕捉個人心理和社會組織的交互發展,以便保持批判地與意識型態拉開距離?當我們研究心理學的政治性,同時我們將如何維持某一程度的自主,避免政治干預?英國主要有四股力量,從某些面向承接了以上批判心理學的問題意識,並且成為批判心理學的論述根基。四股力量分別為論述分析、精神健康運動、精神分析和女性主義。它們有些偏重理論,有些偏重實務。然而講者提醒聽眾警覺,雖然這四股力量宣稱自己正在走一條異於主流的道路,但他們與主流的關係依舊難分難解。批判心理學必須清楚自己的批判行動,理解不同批判心理學的面向、關切它們與心理學知識如何產生關聯。講者從心理化文化(psychological culture)和心理學化(psychologisation)闡述心理學知識和大眾文化的錯綜關係。最後,總結當代批判心理學的重點工作:第一,研究主流心理學如何為權力服務,進行意識形態操控;第二,研究另翼心理學所鑲在的歷史背景;第三,探究心理學概念如何落實到日常生活中,形成當代的心理化文化;第四,尋找和開拓日常生活實踐,作為逃離資本主義社會困境的方式。


This address elaborated the development, problematic, and revolutionary aim of critical psychology. Critical psychology, based on Marxist production theory, aims to fight against mainstream psychology. The key foundational argument that many critical psychologists make is that it is necessary to clarify the political role that psychology plays but refuses to recognize. In order to lay bare the political context of mainstream psychology, the speaker coined the word "Psy-Complex," which denotes to the social agenda operated by individualism, essentialism, and normalization. This agenda constrains psychologists from revising its disciplinary knowledge; what's worse, it fails to solve social problems. Therefore, for critical psychology, it must politicise psychology, asking how is ‘psychology’ produced as a commonsensical resource for individuals to make sense of themselves and others and of possibilities for changing social conditions? How are social processes reproduced and maintained at the level of interpersonal interaction and individual experience, at the level of ‘psychology’? How are patterns of activity structured to replicate power relations regardless of and even despite the immediate intentions of an individual ‘psychology’? How can theoretical articulation of the place of individual ‘psychology’ and social structure be developed to provide some critical distance from ideology? How can research into the political functions of ‘psychology’ operate in such a way as to maintain a degree of autonomy of activity and experience from political interference? In Britain, there are four strands that somehow share the problematic of critical psychology: Discourse analysis, mental health movement, psychoanalysis and feminism. Some focus on theory, while some devote to practice. However, they all become components of critical psychology. The speaker reminded that we need to understand our critical activity and the existence of these different components of critical psychology in relation to the nature of psychology as part of a broader apparatus of the "psy complex," psychological culture, and psychologisation. To sum up, the work of critical psychology includes, first, a close analysis of the way dominant forms of psychology operate ideologically and in the service of power. Secondly, it would be the study of how alternative psychologies come to be historically constituted so that they confirm ideological representations of relations or subvert them. Thirdly, it would be the exploration of how psychological notions operate in everyday life to produce contemporary psychological culture. Fourthly, it would include a searching out and reclaiming of the way practices of everyday life may form the basis of resistance to psychology.
