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The Interdisciplinary Study of Neo-classicism: Musical Characteristics in Paintings


繪畫藝術中的「新古典主義」(Neo-classicism)代表1750到1830年間發展的藝術風格,繪畫上以法國畫家大衛(Jacques-Louis David, 1748-1825)為學派的領導人物,畫家安格爾(Jean Ingres, 1780-1867)亦追循步伐,成為要角。此時的法國因「法國大革命」(French Revolution, 1789-1799),改變了政治思維與階級制度,與拿破崙(Napoleon Bonaparte, 1769-1821)相關的事件、改革或征戰,都成為當時建築、繪畫與音樂的重要題材。音樂的新古典主義興盛於二十世紀前半期,與繪畫的新古典主義時間並不相同。以新古典主義繪畫為探究基底,從大時代革命背景的音樂概況著手,可感受到一如政治在繪畫的影響力,發現貝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven, 1770-1827)有與之相關的創作。除此,布拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms, 1833-1897)古典樂派傾向的作品特質,也是討論的對象。藉由新古典主義繪畫的基礎認知,瞭解其於音樂領域的平行性與相關的音樂畫作,提供跨領域研究不同的視野。


跨領域 新古典主義 拿破崙 大衛 貝多芬


Neo-classicism in painting represents the artistic style of 1750-1830. Jacques-Louis David(1748-1825) was the leader for neo-classicism and Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres(1780-1867) was the important follower. Meanwhile, the French Revolution (1789-1799) brought many political and social reforms in France. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was the key figure, related events, reforms or wars becoming the subjects for architecture, painting, and music. Neo-classicism in music was popular in the first half of the twentieth-century, which did not concurrent with the neo-classicism art. This study will lay the foundation on painting of Neo-classism and survey the music profile in the revolutionary era; the results were similar to its influence in painting. Ludwig van Beethoven(1770-1827) had some connected compositions. Furthermore, the classical style works of Johannes Brahms(1833-1897) should be studied as well. By realizing the general cognition of neoclassicism in painting, applying the knowledge to the understanding of parallelism in music, and discussion of music-related paintings; they all provide different perspective in interdisciplinary study.


Interdisciplinary Neo-classicism Napoleon David Beethoven
