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The Romantic Melodrama of Hong Kong and Taiwan in the 1970s: Going Separate Ways




Yida was one of the most successful Hong Kong romance novelists in the 1960s and 1970s. The film adaptation of Yida's novels in both Taiwan and Hong Kong in the 1970s reflected the close cooperation between the film industry as well as the differences in styles in these two places. Under the surface of Westernization, Yida films have inherited the sentimental traditions of the Chinese romantic melodrama movies that describe the famous prostitutes' stories originated from the classic "La Traviata." However, some of his works have changed in a way that, for example, kept men replaced female prostitute. As a contrast, the literary works of Taiwanese writer Qiong Yao and the films adapted from her later novels began to get rid of the tradition of prostitutes and created a new mode of storytelling. The differences between the two novelists also marks an important distinction between Hong Kong and Taiwan's romantic melodrama films in the 1970s.
