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Representing Slow-Onset Hazard: A Corpus Analysis of Discourse on Drought, Risk, and Climate Change in News Media


旱災被視為是一種緩慢開展風險,其影響層面深遠且具有日常性,本研究在2014 ~ 2015 年臺灣「十年大旱」背景下,以質量並行的語料分析方法探討臺灣平面媒體如何再現旱災。研究發現平面媒體再現的旱災多半強調「水的供給面」論述,這類供給面論述也偏好連結到對自然降雨的期待、及對水庫短期蓄水量變化的關切。旱災被再現成一種「必須對抗的戰爭」、而不是視為長期風險而與之共存,氣候變遷及旱災風險的長期論述幾乎在相關的報導中消失不見。本研究顯示臺灣媒體旱災再現需調整角度關注較多需求面節水問題,同時在論述上應多朝向視旱災可能是未來臺灣常態的氣候現象之一,而非短時間的異常現象。


Drought is seen as a slow-onset or slow-moving hazard. The impacts of drought are obtrusive and link to our everyday experience. This paper adopts the corpus method to investigate how three major Taiwanese newspapers represented drought during Taiwan’s most serious drought of the past decade, occurring from late 2014 to mid-2015. Nine-hundred and forty-one drought reports are collected to create a small corpus for analysis. The findings show that newspapers tend to focus their drought coverage on the supply side, specifically on short term changes in the water levels of major reservoirs and on rainfall. Metaphors of battle and war are frequently used in drought reports, particularly the term "drought-proofing," which implies that societies must fight drought, instead of presenting drought as a long term risk to which societies should respond by seeking methods of co-existence or adaptation. Terms such as climate change and risk perception usually appear only in the background of drought reports, making them nearly invisible. The study suggests Taiwanese media should pay more regular attention to the demand side aspect of water management, including water saving practices. Moreover, media reports should treat drought as a normal climate phenomenon rather than an aberration.


自由時報(2015 年5 月24 日)。〈鋒面很公平 臺南、高雄暫解渴〉,《自由時報》,第A11 版。
自由時報(2015 年5 月21 日)。〈水庫解渴 驟雨路塌積水無人傷〉,《自由時報》,第A14N 版。
自由時報(2015 年5 月3 日)。〈水比尿尿小 臺南減壓供水民怨不知〉,《自由時報》,第A14D 版。
自由時報(2015 年4 月29 日)。〈賣場省水專區!水桶大缺貨〉,《自由時報》,第A14K 版。
自由時報(2015 年4 月13 日)。〈宣示水權 鄭文燦:石門水桃園專用〉,《自由時報》,第A07 版。


