  • 期刊


An Exploratory Study of the Challenges and Practices of Chinese Grammar Course Preparation




華語 語法教學 備課 師資培育


Grammar is a crucial focus of Chinese learning, but it is also challenging for teachers to teach. From the researcher's teacher training experiences, it is found that an essential factor that leads to inaccuracies in grammar teaching was caused by improper lesson preparation. However, there is lack of previous studies concerning this specific topic. Hence, this study aims to help and enhance teachers' lesson preparation efficacy and effectiveness. The subjects consisted of 30 pre-service teachers from the Department of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Taiwan and 18 in-service Chinese teachers. This study provided pre-service teachers with problem-solving strategies according to the practical experiences of in-service teachers in the interview with them. The study was divided into two parts: to investigate difficulties in preparing grammar lessons pre-service teachers might encounter and to interview in-service teachers for eliciting their lesson preparation procedures. Firstly, the study suggested that, because of the difficulties in preparing grammar teaching student teachers encountered, 26 items were found to cause problems while preparing grammar lessons. The researcher categorized these difficulties into five categories: Chinese language sense, grammar knowledge, target learners, teaching operations, and making teaching aids. These categories can be used as a reference for planning teacher training courses in the future. Secondly, the study concluded that, because of grammar preparation, there were 40 critical items elicited during the interviews with the current teachers taking part in this study. They included preparation of knowledge, preparation of students, preparation of teaching methods, preparation of teaching aids, and the teacher's attitude. These items can be used as a checklist for student teachers to prepare lessons. Finally, the study analyzed the teaching preparation procedures of 18 teachers interviewed. It was found that different teachers who teach various types of classes and different age ranges use various preparation procedures. Still, despite using different procedures, a core set of preparation procedures can be seen throughout all lesson preparations.

