  • 期刊


Concept and Application of Economic Evaluation on Cultural Heritage




Cultural heritage is an important element for the development of cultural and creative industries, and monetary economic evaluation is an essential tool forthe evaluation of industrial activities. This study aims to elucidatethe economic values and evaluation of the cultural heritage, and the related documents. Furthermore, the method of economic evaluation was applied on Pingtung Tobacco Factory becoming a cultural and creative park as a case study. This study induces that the economic values of cultural heritage are composed of use values and non-use values. Meanwhile, direct valuation approach and indirect valuation approach could be used to evaluate its economic values. We conducted the Contingent Valuation Method, one of the direct valuation approaches, to evaluate Pingtung Tobacco Factory becominga cultural and creative park. We have determined a management strategy for Pingtung Tobacco Factory becoming a cultural and creative park in the future. First, strong marketing for this cultural and creative park will educate more people about it. Second, art performances and industrial historical education are popular sales items. Third, the ticket prices of educational exhibitions should be NT$30 to $35. The style of the art performances and industrial historical education should mainly attract young people who have a higher WTP. Finally, the non-profit organization which manages the cultural and creative park should communicate and cooperate with the residents who live in the vicinity of Pingtung Tobacco Factory because this will enhance their willingness to donate.


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