  • 期刊


The Study of Brain Stimulation Caused by Visual Images and Music Using Brainwave Headsets




圖像 腦波 情緒 專注力 放鬆度


During the creative process of an artist, when a phrase or a concept comes to mind, it triggers the imagination of a scenario which usually originates from the accumulation of past experiences, emotions and self-exploration before an idea is presented. This study produced eight pieces of artwork under the theme of "the Imaginary World", each of which symbolized different scenarios. This study conducted an experiment using creative images in order to understand how senses of sight and hearing affect brainwaves. Three different types of sample were used, namely "image", "music" and "a combination of music and image". The choices in the questionnaire are based on eight emotions mentioned in the publication, which are happiness, trust, fear, shock, sadness, anticipation, anger and disdain. The study will make use of BrainLink, a brainwave experiment system, to assessments on experiment samples. With the help of brainwave headsets, the study examined the changes in the level of focus and relaxation of the participants when watching images with or without music. It is hoped that the results of the analysis can serve as a reference for creators or viewers in determining whether or not to add music to images.


Brainwaves Emotions Focus Relaxation


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