  • 期刊


Discuss the Tourism and Leisure with Local Culture Industry Development-Calligraphy Greenway of Taichung


現今各國休閒觀光潮流興盛,多數國家無不致力於當地地方特色休閒產業之推行,加上國人因工作壓力大,日益重視休閒活動,在中央及地方政府的合作與倡導下,我國積極發展各縣市地方特色休閒產業,吸引國內外觀光客來。近年來,台中市政府在推動地方特色休閒產業亦不遺餘力,現今最具代表性的就是草悟道(Calligraphy Greenway),草悟道是一條帶狀的都市綠園道,範圍包含國立自然科學博物館前經國園道(含市民廣場)、國立台灣美術館到美術園道之間綠帶,是目前台中市區最受矚目的地方觀光休閒區。本文即是以發展具有地方特色的觀光休閒活動為探討方向,進而聚焦於臺中市近年來推動的「草悟道」(Calligraphy Greenway)休閒觀光活動,企圖透過本研究的分析過程,獲取台中市發展地方特色休閒產業的正確藍圖與帶來較佳的經濟效益。


Tourism and leisure industry is viewed as one of the potential industries in today's market. People in Taiwan are so keen to pursue the working experiences of all walks of life that their intension to travel rises. This is an opportunity to develop tourism and leisure with local culture industry, not only increasing the additional value of economic products but also pushing the industry to a sustainable development. Calligraphy Greenway of Taichung that it is a banding of green grass road. The area including National museum of natural science and National Taiwan museum of fine arts that it is the best attention tourism and leisure place of Taichung. Researcher conducted methods of literary reviews and focus Calligraphy Greenway field in this study. The discuss want to exploring new knowledge of a new field that tries to understand the proper development blueprint and improve the economic benefits.
