  • 期刊


The Physical and Psychological Health Conditions of Institutional Caregivers and Family Caregivers


背景:衛生福利部統計處 (2015) 統計領有身障手冊之失智症者超過4 萬人,其中65 歲以上老人近3 萬8 千人,失智老人因身心功能退化,日常生活極需依賴他人照顧,「照顧者往往是另一群潛在的病人」,身心健康狀況與協助是值得重視關切的議題。研究目的:調查並比較失智老人之機構與家庭照顧者健康體位、自覺身心健康狀況,並探討其他相關因素。研究方法:採立意取樣法,以南部某失智症協會轉介之失智老人家庭照顧者,以及大台南地區失智老人安養、養護機構之照顧者為研究對象共120 人,進行健康體位測量與自覺身心健康狀況 (SF-36) 問卷調查及資料分析。結果與建議:一、機構照顧者之生理領域與心理領域之健康狀況皆優於家庭照顧者。二、家庭照顧者BMI 為過重、體脂肪率為肥滿之比例高於機構照顧者。三、本地、女性、年齡愈大、未婚、兼職或無工作之家庭照顧者、經濟困難者之生理與心理領域之自覺健康狀況較差。四、整體而言,本地之家庭照顧者相較於機構照顧者,需要更多的照護支援服務及自我健康管理之提供,以提昇其身心健康狀況。


According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare (2015), over 40,000 dementias are registered disabled and around 38,000 persons are elders with dementia. The elders with dementia face the problem of declining physical and psychological functions and highly need for care. However, the caregivers may bring out another issue of potential patients of other group. Therefore, the condition of caregivers is an issue to be concerned. The study purpose was to investigate and compare the conditions of BMI, body, and perceived health status between the institutions that take in the elders with dementia and family caregivers. The Judgmental Sampling was used to distribute SF-36 questionnaire to 120 related caregivers. The findings of the study include: (1) the physical and psychological conditions of institutional caregivers were better than those of family caregivers, (2) the family caregiver were over-weighted, and wither higher body fat, (3) caregivers with the aspects of family, female, older, single, part-time, and lower economical condition were in a worse perceived health status, (4) local family caregivers needed more care support service and health self-management over the institutional caregiver.


