  • 期刊


Prose about Yongding by Ji Ji: The Discourse Reconstruction of Memory and Country


季季(1945-)身為小說家、散文家、編輯人三重身分,2008年發表於《INK印刻文學生活誌》之「永定日月」專欄十一篇散文,對照1987年《攝氏20-25度》「輯二永定記事」四篇散文,筆者欲通過梳理散文理論者鄭明娳、張瑞芬,文學史書寫者葉石濤、彭瑞金與陳芳明之論述出發,探討散文論述建構之方向與季季居於鄉土、女性、寫實之隙的其他可能。本論文以杜威.德拉伊斯瑪(Douwe Draaisma)《記憶的風景:我們為什麼「想起」,又為什麼「遺忘」?》人類對童年記憶何以如此深刻的探問開場,對照心理學裡關於「絕對記憶」與波赫士筆下〈博學強記的富內斯〉之描述,申述記憶、遺忘、語言與文學如何成為作家書寫的哲學性命題——語言內部的抵抗策略。論文分別討論了季季前後專欄的對照,並彰顯其女性說話主體的生成,展現在散文應對大歷史、時間、鄉土的描繪上,季季經由將個體時間、村史編入大歷史的敘述方式,突出母親、畸零人的生命脈絡展現鄉村並不如此多嬌的一面。最後,論文希望透過主題式的細讀,說明散文理論與散文史之建構不應該依繫於作家與時間軸的初步觀點。


季季 永定散文 記憶 女性 鄉土


The novelist、essayist and editor was three identities of Ji Ji(1945-), she has been published prose column "Daily Yongding" on "INK"(2008)and 'Record of Yongding events' on "Temperature between20-25"(1987).This paper will research Ji Ji's Yongding Essays that discuss may based on prose theory of Zheng Mingli and Zhang Ruifen, Literary historian of Ye Shitao, Peng Ruijin and Chen Feng-ming. About the issuses:why the Childhood memories so strong by Douwe Draaisma's "How Memory Shapes Our Past", What is absolute memory and it how can it was described in 'Funes the Memorious' by Jorge Luis Borges The topic of memory, forget and language that was the Philosophical proposition in prose, the writer may be resistance language rules to display the subject position. The research paper discuss the different of Ji Ji's Yongding writing, which can show the growing up of female subject, at the same time her prose was try to response these topic about grand narrative, time and country. Ji Ji was throught Included individual time and country history in grand history, that try to prominent mother and marginalized people. Above this discourse the paper will show the countryside was not so sweet and clam. By close rading in the same theme this essay can propose that be construct Prose Theory and History of Prose can not simply base on writers and time.


Ji Ji Prose about Yongding memory female country
