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Idiosyncratic Risk, Firm Characteristics and Stock Returns - Evidence of the Taiwan Stock Market


本文主要研究台灣股票市場,異質性風險(idiosyncratic risk)與股票報酬率之間的關係,在台灣股票市場中,異質性風險長期沒有一個明顯的趨勢所在,此與Bekaert et al.,(2012)針對美國和其他22 個國家中異質性風險的研究結果一致。但台灣股市橫斷面報酬與異質性風險存在有負相關,這也與Ang et al.,(2006)所提出美國市場與其他已開發國家的結果一致,Nartea et al.,(2013)發現中國大陸也有同樣現象。本文也發現台灣股票市場在金融海嘯後(2009-2013年),異質性風險與股票報酬的關係較金融海嘯前(2000-2008年)明顯提升,也就是說,若個別的股票異質性風險越低,該股票越容易出現異常報酬;且此結果不會因期間、公司特性如公司規模、帳面價值比、動能等變數,而改變異質性風險與股票報酬之間的負相關。


異質性風險 公司特性 報酬


This paper studies the relationship between the Taiwan stock market, idiosyncratic risk and return on equity. In the Taiwan's stock market, the idiosyncratic risk does not have clear trend for a long time, a result consistent with Bekaert et al. (2012) in idiosyncratic risk among the United States and other 22 countries. However, the Taiwan's stock shows that market cross-sectional returns and idiosyncratic risk has a negative correlation relationship. This paper also finds that after financial crisis (2009-2013), the relationship between the idiosyncratic risk and stock returns tends to be more significant than the period before financial crisis (2000-2008). That means if an individual stock idiosyncratic risk decrease, it will tend to have abnormal stock returns. This relationship still sustains even in the consideration of the company characteristics such as company size, book value, momentum and other variables.


idiosyncratic risk return characteristics
