  • 期刊


An Analysis of Practice of Curriculum Goals and Teaching Guidelines of the Social Studies Domain of the Provisional Guidelines for Preschool's Educare Activity and Curriculum




In August 2012, the Ministry of Education in Taiwan issued the Provisional Guidelines for Preschool’s Educare Activity and Curriculum, which are also known as the New Guidelines for Preschool Curriculum(NGKC). This paper investigates the curriculum goals and teaching guidelines of social studies domain that preschool teachers should be well-informed. Corresponding to the analysis and discussion on the curriculum goals and its learning indicators by age, I think the social studies domain in NGKC can provide guidance of curriculum proposal and teaching practice, and promote the socialization process to young children to enhance self-understanding, to learn to respect others, and to care the community they belong. This paper proposes the practices of educare activity and curriculum in social studies domain as below. First, teacher should use interdisciplinary knowledge to integrate family and school life experiences in the learning dimension of "exploration and awareness". For example, teacher can comply with the concept of time to understand daily schedules in classroom. This teaching guideline is good for children to perceive norms of family and school life and understand activities rules in daily life. Second, manners should be cultivated in order to have a safe and respectable classroom culture in the learning dimension of "consultation and adjustment". In the atmosphere of a sense of security, open questions should be given to children to learn self-expression and listen to others’ views after a lot of opportunities to play in learning corners or reading activities. This teaching guideline is good for child to understand community life and the needs of human interaction, and promote self-concept and their empathy. It also push child to learn self-regulation and compliance with norms. Third, children's self-exploration should link with their life experiences of course, but it is not enough in the learning dimension of "cherish and respect". Teachers must offer diversity community resources or create a lot of opportunities for autonomous gaming chances in classroom to enhance children's social observation and perception. This teaching guideline is good for conservation basic ability to take initiative caring to others and living environment. These teaching guidelines all correspond to the interleaving relation of interpersonal that is emphasized by social studies domain of New Guidelines for Preschool Curriculum.
