  • 期刊


The intertextuality between Eileen Chang's novella Lust, Caution and its movie adaptation




Writer Eileen Chang began to have ideas for her novella, Lust, Caution in 1953. The whole novella is barely more than 10,000 characters long. Although the content has been repeatedly revised, the basic premise is about a female university student - Wang Jiazhi - who uses her feminine charms to get close to and plot to assassinate Mr. Yi, a traitor to China during the War of Resistance against Japan (1937-1945). Taiwanese director Ang Lee brought this novella to the big screen in 2007, adapting it to a movie of the same name. This movie received many important movie awards like Taiwan's Golden Horse Film Awards, the Hong Kong Film Awards, and was nominated for Best Foreign Film in the UK's British Academy Film Awards. The concept of intertextuality is when a text's meaning is shaped by another text. It is when related works of literature are interconnected and influence an audience's interpretation of the text. Intertextuality can apply to any text, it is the absorption and interpretation of other texts. When a novel is edited into a movie, there is a very strong sense of intertextuality, as when the words in the novel are combined with images in the movie, not only are you enabling more varied styles to be developed in the movie, you are also providing new angles from which the audience can read the movie. Lust, Caution was constructed using Eileen Chang's keen and penetrating writing style, she saw clearly the love and bleakness in humanity. Ang Lee's movie adaptation contains a blend of Eastern and Western cultures, and frequently contains themes of repression. What kinds of fireworks evolved from the collision of these two artists? Additionally, there exists both differences and intertextuality in the original work and movie with regards to the way the general plot is described and the way the scenes are depicted. This thesis hopes to use methods of primary analysis and comparisons to allow the reader to further understand the intertextuality between the original novella and the movie version of Lust, Caution.


Lust Caution Eileen Chang Ang Lee original novel movie version intertextuality


水晶,《蘇打水集》(臺北:大地出版社,1979 年)。
張愛玲,《惘然記》(臺北:臺北:皇冠出版社社,1992 年 6 月 1 日)。
水晶,《張愛玲未完》(臺北:大地出版社,1996 年)。
水晶,《張愛玲的小說藝術》(臺北:大地出版社,2004 年)。
王德威,《落地的麥子不死——張愛玲與張派傳人》(濟南:山東畫報出版社,2004 年)。
