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Impact of Customer Experience Value on Purchase Intention of Smart Motocycle




In the global trend of energy conservation and environmental protection, countries are actively investing in green transportation. Consumers are not easy to accept electric vehicles. Often because of high prices, insufficient endurance, and long recharging times, the central and local governments have subsidized the price of electric vehicles to promote In order to attract consumers to purchase electric locomotives, the market share of motor vehicle sales in the Taiwan market is now highest at 83% with Gogoro products of Renesas Power Co., Ltd., and Gogoro's sales volume reached 40,000 units in 2017, accounting for locomotives. The total market sales volume is 5.5%. In order to enhance the consumer's popularization of smart motor vehicles, it is very important for smart motor vehicles to provide test ride experience and the consumer experience that manufacturers bring to consumers. This study uses empirical analysis of four types of customer experience value (playfulness type, utilitarian type, aesthetic type, and excellence type), and uses reliability analysis and validity analysis to verify the reliability and effectiveness of the questionnaire design. The regression model explores the extent of the impact on purchase intentions. The results of the study found that the value of customer experience is most effective in improving the willingness to purchase with playfulness type, aesthetic type, and excellence type.


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