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A Preliminary Study on the Measurement of Innovation Environment of Festivals: A Pre-test of Yingge Ceramic Festival




節慶 創新環境 創新績效 知識創造 量表


In the increasingly busy daily life, special events that are different from daily life have become more and more popular recently. From the various festivals of the whole year, such as celebrations, and carnivals, we can see this booming trend. Even though there is much difference between these festivals, most of them are somehow related with the specific place or area development. In the past very few studies have studied festivals as a tool for local industry development and as a platform for gathering resources, knowledge creation and generating innovative performance. This thesis attempts to adopt the perspective of temporary cluster, measuring the innovation environment of festivals, and developing the scale. The preliminary scale of innovation environment of festival events was developed, including 31 items and 5 sub-dimensions, that is, actor aggregation, screening mechanism, physical space, information space, and engaging activities. This questionnaires are distributed in the 2018 Acura Ceramics Carnival as a pre-test, and 27-item are retained for further testing.


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