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The study of continuance intention to play online Battle Royale game: The Mediating Effect of flow and the moderation effect of positive affect




動機 心流 正向情緒 線上遊戲 大逃殺


Online players will be attracted by games' nature because of their speciality. This research explores the psychological characteristics of players of online Battle Royale games, and to understand the relationship and game motives, flow experience and affect. The battle royale video game has rich features for survival, battle, strategy, which only allows the last person survives after fierce competition. This study evaluated the motivation, flow and emotional response of this game from the player's point of view. Furthermore, this study also discusses the moderation effects of emotions on flow experience. Hopefully, we can shed light on new perspectives with this comprehensive model, and provide information into gaming market. A total of 350 valid questionnaires were collected by convenience sampling method from online game players. It found that challenge, curiosity, control and social interaction of motivations, autotelic experience, clear goals, concentration on the task at hand, and challenge-skills balance of flow experiment, and positive affect & negative affect of emotion are important influential factors, and they had significant predictive effect on continuance intention to play. Moreover, game motivations indirectly influence the continuance intention through the flow experiment of online game. Furthermore, positive affect has a moderation effect between the flow experience and the willingness to continue playing. When the positive affect of online shooting game players are high, the flow has a slower influence on the willingness to continue playing. If the positive affect are low, the flow on the willingness to continue playing is stronger. Ultimately, we also make recommendations for research limitations and future research.


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