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The Application of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in Wafer Dicing Machine Maintenance


失效模式與效應評估(Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, FMEA)是一種防止失效的結構化系統分析方法,著重在於趁錯誤還未發生之前就加以預防及修正。本研究以晶圓切割機(Wafer Dicing Machine)維修為例,應用FMEA之方法,針對晶圓切割機的主要零組件,探討其使用壽命及維修時間,透過數據分析找出可能會發生的失效狀態與可能原因,評估嚴重度、發生度及難檢度,依照風險優先指數去決定解決問題的優先順序,建立預防機制,可達成延長使用年限、縮短維修時間及停機時間。


FMEA 晶圓切割機 設備維修


Failure Mode and Effects Analysis(FMEA)is a structural system analysis method for failure prevention, focusing on preventing and correcting errors before they occur, thereby improving or extending the service life of products. This research studies the maintenance process of Wafer Dicing Machine, and the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis method is applied to identify all potential failure modes in main mechanical structure. The failure modes are prioritized according to their severity, occurrence and detection ratings. Five highest-priority failure modes are selected, and recommended actions are identified to eliminate or reduce these failures. Research results show that Failure Mode and Effects Analysis is an effective method to improve maintenance quality and maintenance efficiency of Wafer Dicing Machine.


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