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The mediator effects of satisfaction on brand image and intention of repurchase: An empirical study of momoshop




The development of e-commerce prompts people to pursue the convenience of technology. It is essential to rise online shopping performance by improving the platform's brand image and user's satisfaction. Retailers must build outstanding brand image to create value and customer's satisfaction, and to establish repurchase intention and loyalty. This research focuses on the relationships among brand image, satisfaction and repurchase intention of an e-commerce platform, explicitly, momoshop. Our research results show that: (1) the relationship among brand image, satisfaction and repurchase intention varies with consumer's demographic characteristics; (2) brand image has significant impacts on satisfaction. Satisfaction has significant impacts on repurchase intention in this study. Moreover, the mediator effects of satisfaction on the relationship between brand image and repurchase intention are significant. Through this research, we can have better understandings of the relationships among satisfaction, brand image and repurchase intention. The theoretical and practical implications of this study are also provided. We expect that our analysis and results can be used as a beneficial reference for e-commerce managers for improving their overall performance.


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