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ISO 9001品質管理系統之導入:以P-More公司為例

Implementation of ISO 9001 Quality Management System: Case study of P-More Company


本個案研究探討百貿導入ISO 9001以持續努力精進其品質管理系統。雖然導入ISO 9001並取得認證絕對需要成本支出,但相較於獲得中等內部利益(降低產品不良率、提高品質意識、減少客戶投訴、改進內部溝通、提升競爭優勢等)與中等外部利益(提升企業形象、提高市場佔有率、透過ISO 9000認證做為行銷工具、提升顧客滿意度等),這項投資是絕對划算的。由於ISO 9001整個認證過程,總經理與各部門最高主管均全程參與,故已經掌握導入成敗與否的最重要關鍵點。除此之外,因百貿具有良好的獲利能力,且是化妝品原料供應商的翹楚,再加上最高管理當局具有非常強烈的企圖心,咸信百貿會為取得ISO 9001品質管理系統認證持續做努力。


This case study explored the implementation of ISO 9001 by P-more Trading Company Limited (P-more in short) as a continuous effort to improve its quality management system. Although the implementation of ISO 9001 and obtaining certification definitely requires cost expenditure, compared with obtaining moderate internal benefits (reducing product defect rate, improving quality awareness, reducing customer complaints, improving internal communication, enhancing competitive advantage, etc.) and moderate external benefits (improving enterprise Image, increase market share, pass ISO 9000 certification as a marketing tool, increase customer satisfaction, etc.), this investment is absolutely cost-effective. Since the entire ISO 9001 certification process, the top management authority is involved in the whole process, so it has grasped the most important key points for the success or failure of the implementation. In addition, because p-more has good profitability and is a leading supplier of cosmetic raw materials, coupled with the strong ambition of the top management authority, I believe that p-more will continue to make efforts to obtain ISO 9001 quality management system certification.


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