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A Study of Consumer Exhibition Service Quality, Visitors' Motivation, Overall Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions


隨著展覽產業日益成長,參觀展覽已經成為日常生活的一部分。參展過程中感受到的服務品質滿意度會影響之後的重遊意願,由此可見其重要性。過去商展研究文獻多採用常見的服務品質量表SERVQUAL(Pauraman , Zaithmal and Berry ,1985)來衡量,然而由於展覽服務的複雜性,一般服務品質量表未必全然適用,因此本研究參考Mihae(2005)展覽服務品質量表並加入參觀者動機進行滿意度與行為意圖之研究,以消費展參觀者為問卷調查對象,結果驗證展覽服務品質確實對參觀者的總體滿意度與行為意圖有正向影響,並發現參觀者動機會干擾展覽服務品質對總體滿意度之關係。


As the exhibition industry grows, visiting exhibitions has become a part of daily life. The service quality satisfaction felt during the exhibition will affect the willingness to revisit later, which shows its importance. In the past, trade show research mostly used SERVQUAL to measure service quality. However, due to the complexity of exhibition services, the general service quality scale may not be fully applicable. Therefore, this research refers to Mihae (2005) and add visitor motivation variable to study satisfaction and behavior intention. This study took visitors to consumer exhibitions as the samples of our survey, and the results verified that the exhibition service quality did have a positive impact on the overall satisfaction and behavioral intentions of the visitors, and found that visitors' motivation would moderate the relationship between the exhibition service quality and overall satisfaction.


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