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A Study on the Intention of Taiwanese Consumers to Co-create IKEA Value


隨著人工智慧科技的發展與應用,B2C企業可透過網頁或行動APPs提供消費者個人化的推薦與服務,讓買賣雙方關係變得更為緊密。基於服務主軸邏輯觀點,本研究想瞭解台灣消費者對IKEA Place所提供的AR個人化服務與其共創IKEA企業價值意願之間是否存在關係,並進行下列調查,包括(1)探索IKEA個人化AR體驗服務對消費者的品牌知覺價值、知覺風險、知覺能耐與知覺信任之影響,及(2)探索IKEA個人化服務對消費者共創IKEA品牌價值意願的直接與間接關係。透過SEM路徑檢定結果顯示,僅有知覺價值與知覺能耐對共創意願有直接顯著影響。個人化服務可透過上述兩個消費者的知覺中介,而間接顯著影響共創意願。本研究是最早針對AR科技的個人化體驗服務與共創價值意願之間關係的一項研究,其實證結果有助於IKEA管理階層制訂全方位的行銷通路策略,並提供產業實務建議與相關文獻之補充。


With the huge development of artificial intelligence technology, B2C companies can provide consumers with personalized recommendations and services through websites or APPs. Through a service-dominant logic lens, this study aims to understand the relationship between Taiwanese consumers' AR personalization services provided by IKEA Place and intention to co-create value of IKEA. Therefore, this paper conducts the following related investigations, including (1) exploring the impact of IKEA's personalization service on consumers' perceived value, perceived risk, perceived competence and perceived trust, and (2) investigating the impact of IKEA's personalization service on consumers' intention to co-create IKEA value directly and indirectly. Employing SEM, our findings show that only perceived value and perceived competence had direct impacts on co-creation intention significantly. Personalized service only can indirectly influence intention of co-creation through the above-mentioned two consumer perception mediators. This survey is one of few studies that focus on the relationship between AR technology's personal experience service and intention to co-create value. The empirical results will help IKEA management organize a comprehensive marketing channel strategy and provide industry practice suggestions.


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