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A Study on Tourists' Behavioral Intention in Sweet Potato Tourism Factory


本研究探討瓜瓜園觀光工廠如何在全台眾多飲食類觀光工廠脫穎而出,扮演服務品質重要的角色,以探討遊客對瓜瓜園所期待和實際感受的差異。使用問卷調查方式,遊客的行為在觀光工廠時,對瓜瓜園觀光工廠所提供的各項服務與設施,是否會反映出遊客對此的滿意度,從而得知遊客來的此處參訪瓜瓜園觀光工廠是否會影響到其遊客行為的意向,並根據研究結果獲得改進的方向,以供觀光工廠管理當局決策參考。本研究問卷參考SERVQUAL量表,以服務品質為主構面,「有形性」、「反應性」、「可靠性」、「保證性」、「關懷性」為五個子構面,設計出總共16題問題,研究對象以參訪瓜瓜園觀光工廠的遊客為主,採便利抽樣問卷調查進行,總共回收168份問卷,有效問卷則有150份,資料分析採用重要-表現度(Importance-Performance Analysis,簡稱IPA)與敘述性統計。結果發現大多問題都落在第三象限(次要改善區),第二象限(加強改善焦點區)則無。


觀光工廠 服務品質 IPA 滿意度


This study explores how the Sweet Potato Tourism Factory stands out from the many catering tourism factories in Taiwan and plays an important role in service quality, so as to explore the differences between tourists' expectations and actual feelings about Sweet Potato. Using the questionnaire survey method, whether the behavior of tourists in the sightseeing factory will reflect the satisfaction of tourists with the various services and facilities provided by the Sweet Potato Tourism Factory, so as to know that tourists come here to visit Sweet Potato. Whether the melon garden sightseeing factory will affect the intention of its tourists' behavior, and the direction of improvement can be obtained according to the research results, which can be used as a reference for the decision-making of the management authority of the tourist factory. This research questionnaire refers to the SERVQUAL scale, with service quality as the main dimension, and "tangibility", "responsiveness", "reliability", "assurance", and "caring" as five sub-dimensions, and a total of 16 questionnaires are designed. The research Tourism Factory are mainly tourists who visit the Sweet Potato Tourism Factory. A convenience sampling questionnaire survey was conducted. A total of 168 questionnaires were recovered, and 150 valid questionnaires were used. The data analysis was carried out using Importance-Performance Analysis , referred to as IPA) and descriptive statistics. It was found that most of the problems fell in the third quadrant (secondary improvement area), while none in the second quadrant (enhanced improvement focus area).


Tourism Factory service quality IPA satisfaction


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