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A Study on Professional Sports Fans Worshiping Professional Basketball Idols




In the age of the Internet, sports idols attract idol fans through major social media, which often creates a wave of influence and influence. Fans will create strong climate opinions, which will lead to the entire Internet trend being favorable to their favorite fans. This study takes the NBA fan page as an example to explore the phenomenon of online fans worshiping sports idols, and explores the impact of lack of efficacy, expected sanctions, and wrong direction issues on fan behavior from different types of fan worship. The research adopts the method of convenience sampling to carry out the questionnaire survey. A total of 324 questionnaires are distributed and analyzed with SPSS statistical package software. The analysis methods include descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, validity analysis, and regression analysis. The findings show that different types of idols have varying degrees of influence on sports fan pages, and that strong personal emotions are negatively related to the lack of efficacy of the silent spiral, expected sanctions, and wrong-direction issues.


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