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A Study of Omni-Channel Retailing Strategy in Coffee Chain Stores Industry-the Case of Uni-president Starbucks Company


近年來,隨著行動商務、社群媒體與即時通訊軟體等新興科技的快速流行,史隆管理評論(MIT Sloan Management Review)指出:「實體與虛擬店面之間的界線,將逐漸消失,世界變成一個沒有隔牆的展示間。」。然而,虛實整合為各大企業積極探討的通路策略之一,但卻又是不易進入的領域,且虛實整合的新型態消費模式是未來重要發展趨勢之一,尤其是在零售業,因此在台灣的連鎖咖啡業者,也應試圖走向虛實整合。再者,行銷大師Philip Kotler曾於行銷4.0中強調行動社群時代已來臨,行銷4.0代表的是整套的「行動社群行銷」,亦可解釋為將企業與消費者,在虛擬網路與實體世界結合串聯的互動式行銷。因此,本研究以個案研究法為主,選擇個案企業-統一星巴克公司為研究對象,並輔以個案公司高階主管進行多次深度訪談,以探討個案企業如何因應消費者需求執行全通路零售策略之相關作法。本研究結果發現:個案企業預應環境改變,去執行全通路零售策略對公司整體經營績效是有成長的,期許個案企業能持續落實全通路(Omni-channel)零售策略之展開,並對其未來的發展方向提出行銷實務上的建議,期許業者未來能提供更多元的服務給咖啡消費者。


In recent years, the O2O is an important channel strategy actively explored by major companies, but it is not easy to enter. The new consumption model of O2O is one of the important development trends in the future, especially in the retailing industry. However, in Taiwan's chain coffee industry should also try to move towards O2O. Furthermore, Philip Kotler once emphasized in Marketing 4.0 that the era of mobile & communities marketing has arrived. Marketing 4.0 represents the entire set of "Mobile Community Marketing" and can also be interpreted as bringing businesses and consumers to virtual networks and physical environment to interactive marketing. Therefore, this study is based on the case study method, and selects the case enterprise-Uni-president Starbucks Coffee as the research object. Moreover, this research conducted several in-depth interviews with the senior management directors of the case company as supplement. The study findings: the Omni-channel retailing strategy has grown for the company's business performance. It is expected that the case of enterprises will continue to implement the Omni-channel retailing strategies. In the future, this research can provide some marketing practical suggestions for Uni-president Starbucks Coffee.


Chen, Y. C., & Hsieh, Y. C. (2022). SERVICE INDICES OF OMNICHANNEL RETAILING. 品質學報, 29(1), 47-67. https://doi.org/10.6220/joq.202202_29(1).0003
