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An Analysis of Sustainable Business Model in Social Enterprise-Consortium Sakyamuni Buddha Temple


社會企業已成為組織管理的新思維 ,社會企業不僅以解決社會問題及發揮社會影響力為目標,更須採取市場機制的商業模式作為手段,並能自給自足及永續發展,以致力於藉由經濟手段解決社會問題。宗教觀光旅遊在台灣有著重要的一席之地,傳統的宗教寺廟亦屬社會企業之範疇,傳統的宗教寺廟若能順應此時代潮流積極轉型,將有助於該宗教寺廟社會企業的永續發展。本研究採用個案研究法,選定宗教寺廟「釋迦山」作為個案研究對象,並以Osterwalder與Pigneur(2010)所提出之商業模式九宮格為研究架構,透過深度訪談法取得個案的資料與訊息後分析歸納整理出現有之商業模式要素,進而提出現有經營模式的可行性建議,開創產業創新營運模式。本研究結果認為發展「釋迦山」的產品與附加價值、加強推廣與建立夥伴關係並建立觀光資源與特色,是「釋迦山」未來經營策略之建議。期望藉由此個案研究分析,獲得社會企業導入永續經營模式確具正向綜效之結論。


Social enterprise has become a new thought of organizational management. Social enterprise contributes to exert social influence and solve social problem within self-sufficient economic means and sustainable development. Religious tourism plays an important role in Taiwan. Traditional temple is the part of Social Enterprise. The transformation by the tendency of the day has aid of sustainable development for religious social enterprise. The case study research of Sakyamuni Buddha Temple in analysis of The Business Model Canvas which is proposed by Osterwalder and Pigneur, generalize factors of Canvas from a case interview of Sakyamuni Buddha Temple. Finally, we hope to find out the sustainable business model for social enterprise in this study.
