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The Destination Image of Taiwanese Tourists towards South Korea


網路科技發達資訊唾手可得,全球化的觀念趨勢日漸成熟,國人不再侷限的本島的短期旅遊,國外觀光旅遊蔚為風潮。在新冠疫情爆發前,台灣國人出國旅遊概況,2012年已突破千萬人次,至2019更達1千7百萬人次,每年皆達5%以上的成長率。其中,韓國旅遊在韓流、廉價航空的帶動下,更是蔚成風潮。本研究探討台灣國人赴韓旅遊的旅遊意願、偏好與滿意度,以目的地意象的理念,並應用重要表現分析(Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA)進行研究。實證結果,國人旅遊調查顯示到韓國觀光旅遊後,滿意程度普遍未達其預期的重要程度。但於韓國自然景觀資源、歷史建築與古蹟、購買網紅商品等方面是最超越預期感受的特色,同時IPA分析中,顯示韓國美食多樣性、社會治安、公共建設與交通便利程度為韓國旅遊觀光區之優勢條件。本研究結論,得提供台灣相關旅遊從業人員辦理韓國旅遊業務之參考。


With the development of internet technology and easy access of information, the trend of globalization is maturing. Taiwanese tourists are no longer limited to short-term travels within Taiwan, and overseas tourism has become a trend. Before the outbreak of COVID-19, the number of Taiwanese tourists traveling abroad exceeded 10 million in 2012 and reached 17 million in 2019, with an annual growth rate of more than 5%. Among them, tourism to South Korea has become a trend driven by the Korean wave and low-cost airlines. The purpose of this study is to explore the willingness and preference of Taiwanese tourists to travel to South Korea and to analyze their tourism satisfaction with the concept of destination image by using important performance analysis (IPA). According to the empirical results, the survey shows that the satisfaction degree of Taiwanese tourists after visiting South Korea is generally not as important as expected. However, the characteristics of South Korea's natural landscape resources, historical buildings and monuments, and purchases of viral hit products exceeded expectations the most. At the same time, IPA analysis showed that South Korea's cuisine diversity, social security, public construction, and transportation convenience are the advantages of South Korea's tourist sites. The conclusion of this study can provide a reference for relevant tourism practitioners in Taiwan when handling South Korea's tourism business.
