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  • OpenAccess


Research on the Participation Benefit of Leisure Activities for Middle and Old Ages




Taiwan became an elderly society in 2018 and will enter a super-aged society in 2025. Because the physical and mental conditions of the elderly are different, middle-aged and elderly people who are physically and mentally healthy do not need physical care from others, and can take care of various chores in life by themselves. Participating in leisure activities is a way of health promotion, which has positive effects on promoting healthy aging. Through the participation of leisure-type activities, the goal of lifelong learning for the elderly to achieve a happy body and mind is achieved. This research takes the middle-aged and elderly people who participate in art leisure activities in the C-level base of Yilan long-term care as the research object. The research method adopts the method of intentional sampling and questionnaire survey, and interviews 201 respondents. Leisure-like activities and leisure benefits - the distribution of mental health. 2. The relationship between the participation of the elderly in art leisure activities and leisure benefits.
