  • 期刊


An Application of IPA Model to Measure the Service Quality of Health Club - A Case Study of Y Health Club in Kaohsiung City


本研究目的旨在探討高雄市Y健身俱樂部會員對其服務品質之重視度與滿意度。本研究採用問卷調查法,問卷共發放250份,回收問卷220份,去除問卷填答不全20份,合計有效問卷為200份,有效問卷回收率為80%。爾後,本研究並根據IPA分析法(Importance-performance Analysis)探討該健身俱樂部營運服務品質之重視度與滿意度。研究結論如下:座落在A象限11個服務品質項目,是會員認為重視度高且滿意度也高的服務品質項目,表示健身房俱樂部11項目達到瞭解會員所期望的目標,往後應「繼續保持」,並可視為健身俱樂部在擬定行銷策略時的重要項目。座落在B象限1個服務品質項目,是會員認為較不重視且滿意度高的服務品質項目,表示健身俱樂部在這1項目上已達到會員所期望甚至過度,對健身俱樂部而言,過度使用資源著重在這些項目上,往後應該「適度調整」,確保健身俱樂部在資源上的分配有更佳的改善。座落在C象限9個服務品質項目,對於會員而言,是對於其他構面的服務品質項目之重視程度較低,但對其滿意度也較低的項目。在改善的程度上,相對其他服務品質項目而言,是「優先順序較低」的項目,亦是健身俱樂部在服務品質項目上的劣勢,未來俱樂部業者如果針對此9項目服務品質進行改善,可使會員的滿意度提升,則可轉化為該俱樂部可具備的優勢。座落在D象限1個服務品質項目,是會員非常重視但健身俱樂部卻未能提供使會員滿意的服務品質項目;此1項亦是Y健身俱樂部在服務品質上的威脅,是迫切需要「加強改善的重點」,值得俱樂部業者深入探討癥結所在,並擬定改善策略,提高會員滿意度。


This study was namely conducted to analyze the perceived level of customer satisfaction and performance ranking for the members by means of questionnaire survey and IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis) method at the Y health club in Kaohsiung city. Meanwhile, the total of 200 valid questionnaires surveyed and returned in this study were from June 10, 2016 to July 10, 2016. As shown above statements, the findings are cited as follows: 1) In dimension A, the eleven indicators of service quality on performance ranking and customer satisfaction ought to be maintained in business and plan the most appropriate marketing strategy for Y health club in Kaohsiung city. 2) In dimension B, the one indicator of service quality on performance ranking and customer satisfaction ought to be properly adjusted in practice and to allocate the resources effectively on business units at Y health club in Kaohsiung city. 3) In dimension C, the nine indicators of service quality on performance ranking and customer satisfaction ought to be enhanced in order to reinforce the competitiveness for Y health club in Kaohsiung city. 4) In dimension D, due to the main weakness, the one indicator of service quality ought to be critically and essentially improved in order to enhance the customer satisfaction and performance ranking.


田晧君、牟鍾福(2016)。智慧型手機運動App Nike+破壞性創新之探討。休閒與社會研究,13,187-199。
