  • 期刊


Connection and Disconnection of Online Interpersonal Interactions


近年來,網路的快速發展帶領社會進入前所未有的即時互動模式,跨越時空距離的同時,也挑戰社會關係及人際互動的本質。根據Turkle長年的觀察,網路社群中無時無刻的親密正在摧毀人進行真實對話的能力,今日的網路使用者成了「賴在一起孤單(alone together)」的一群人。Bauman從液態現代性的角度提出,網路雖提供便捷的溝通與聯繫,但卻無法提供安全感與凝聚力,反而加深孤寂,而原因在於網路上的互動是以「個體性」為基礎。以個體性為基礎的互動模式恰好與德國社會學家Beck 的個體化論述相呼應,在個體化命題下,人從傳統社會連帶關係解放,對社會關係擁有更高自主性,社交自由與更大的社會互動範疇,加上網際網路的無遠弗屆,今日的人際互動按此邏輯,似乎應更加多元。根據社會資本研究,網路交友的確可增加使用者接觸更多朋友的機會,但卻不代表可建立更多元的交友圈。個體在能夠更容易地挑選互動對象,互動模式也更容易掌控下,網路互動可能讓我們失去與不同意見者爭執、討論、尋求共識的機會。此研究透過質性訪談的方式,收集十一位網路使用者對網路互動的反思,藉由訪談內容的分析,嘗試探討今日網路中介人際互動的本質。


The rapid development of internet during recent years has brought the society into an age of instant messaging and communication. While the connection through internet overcomes temporal and geographical constraints, it also challenges the nature of social relations and personal interactions. Based on years of research, Sherry Turkle has found that constant intimacy online has been sabotaging individuals' ability to conduct a real conversation. Internet users today stay alone together. Bauman proposed the idea of liquid modernity and concluded that although internet made immediate communication possible, it did not guarantee security and cohesiveness. Instead, internet connection may increase loneliness as online interactions are based on individualism. The individualism-based interaction echoes with Ulrich Beck's individualization theory. Under the trend of individualization, individuals are free from traditional social solidarity and empowered with higher autonomy over social relations and less interaction constraints. With the changes brought by individualization and the borderless nature of internet, it is usually believed that interpersonal interactions today should be more diversified. According to studies of social capital, internet does in a way increase users' social opportunities. However, it does not mean that users make friends with people from all sorts of different backgrounds. Given that individuals could more easily choose their friends online and the ways in which they would like to interact, online interpersonal interactions may deprive us of opportunities for arguing, discussing, and seeking consensus with dissenters. This research uses qualitative interviewing and collects the reflections and opinions of 11 internet users. Based on the interviews, the nature and characteristics of online interpersonal interactions are examined.
