  • 期刊


Global Climate Justice-Past, Present and Future of the Climate Change Problem


全球氣候談判僵局,涉及矯正正義、分配正義和代間正義的爭議。爭議的癥結緣自權利中心論觸及的誰才擁有權利資格的爭辯,要解決這個困境,應改採責任論,這一方面,ImmanuelKant的「完全責任」與「不完全責任」,提供解決氣候問題僵局有用的架構。在此架構下,Paul Baer等人提出融合能力與責任的「溫室發展權利框架」,能夠解決氣候分配正義和代間正義面臨的難題,搭配「受益者付費原則」間接解決已開發國家的排碳歷史問題,將能提供符合全球氣候正義的解套途徑。


The impasse in global climate talks is entangled in corrective justice, distributive justice and intergenerational justice. The crux of this dispute has stemmed from the right-oriented argument. It gives rise to questions of who owns the entitlement of rights. One must adopt the duty-oriented argument to resolve a long-standing dilemma. It is beneficial to apply Kant's principle of the perfect and imperfect duties to harmonize the long-standing dilemma. From this point forward, the Greenhouse Development Rights framework by Paul Baer et al., which integrates responsibility and capability indicators, is one model that could be applied to solve the problems of distributive justice and intergenerational justice. Besides, the beneficiary pays principle can solve the problem of historical carbon emissions of developed countries indirectly. Application of all these principles can help provide some sort of way to meet the global climate justice challenge.
