  • 期刊


Detection and evaluation of drug safety in community seniors


我國65歲老年人口在2018年4月已達高齡國家(Aged country),如此快速的老化不僅帶來前所未有的挑戰,也指出老年醫療藥護相關研究的重要性。據統計老年人平均用藥量約是青年人的5倍以上,由於老人的慢性疾病較多、因多重疾病而不只看一位醫師、不只一處看病、自行購藥服用等行為而使得醫療人員無法適當且完整的評估病人同時服用的所有藥物,加上老化造成生理功能退化、較多慢性疾病、影響服藥順從性等,在在都增加了老人用藥的複雜性及危險性,顯示用藥安全是個極為重要的課題。因此,本行動研究目的是內湖區安湖社區里民銀髮族舉辦健康促進暨用藥安全講座並為銀髮族進行用藥安全之檢測與評估,以瞭解社區老年人用藥安全情形。結果顯示安湖社區老年人用藥安全之參與檢測共99位,經由用藥安全講座前和講座後之評估結果:一、用藥安全等期的老年人自5.05%增加到13.13%。二、5分以上有危險用藥情形改善自69.70%下降到26.26%。三、整體民眾對於活動感到滿意達95%。透過此研究提供醫療照護人員應該定期檢視老年病人用藥目的、治療效果以及持續治療的必要性,透過實際行動走入社區進行用藥安全之健康識能與老人用藥安全之檢測,維護老年人用藥安全。


用藥安全 安湖社區 老年人


In Taiwan 65-year-old population has reached the aged country in April 2018. Such rapid aging not only brings up unprecedented challenges, but also points to the importance of research on medical care for the elderly. According to statistics, the drug average dosage of the elderly is about 5 times higher than that of young people. Because the elderly have more chronic diseases, they need to see many doctors and in different medical institutions, sometimes they take drugs on their own, and so on. Appropriate and complete evaluation of all drugs taken by patients at the same time, together with aging caused by physiological deterioration, more chronic diseases, affecting medication compliance, etc., have increased the complexity and risk of medication for the elderly, indicating that medication safety is extremely important topic. The main purpose of this activity study is to conduct lectures on health promotion and drug safety in the Yinmin community of the Anhu community in Neihu District, Taipei, Taiwan and to evaluate drug safety for the elderly. The results showed that a total of 99 elderly people in the Anhu community were educated for drug safety. 1. The number of the elderly with safe drug use increased from 5.05% to 13.13%. 2. The improvement in dangerous drug use of 5 points or more decreased from 69.70% to 26.26%. 3. Overall, the elderly were satisfied with 95% of this activity. This study provided medical staffs should be more cautious in the consideration of drug treatment, regularly reviewing the purpose of the elderly patients, the effect of treatment and the need for continuous treatment. In addition, they need to enter the community through practical actions for the health of medication safety with the safety of elderly medication, together with monitoring the safety of the elderly medication.


Drug safety Anhu District seniors
