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Construction and verification for the Scale of Marathon Event Tourism Attraction and Participant characteristics: A study of 2014 Bali Marathon


目的:2011年觀光業已佔全球各國國內生產總值(Gross Domestic Product, GDP)約10%以上,其中運動觀光為全球觀光產業中增長最快的領域之一,運動觀光已是國際間觀光產業的主流市場,尤其是運動賽會。本研究目的在於建構「馬拉松賽會觀光吸引力量表」,並分析與驗證其適配度。根據Inskeep(1991)和Turco、Riley與Swart(2002)所提出的運動觀光資源及吸引力為基礎,利用文獻分析與內容分析完成19題研究工具初稿。方法:針對2014年八里左岸全國馬拉松之参賽者為研究對象,並以便利抽樣方式收集相關資料,共計發放400份,有效問卷率94.8%。利用SPSS20.0和AMOS20.0進行項目分析、信度分析及結構方程模式建構及驗證本量表信效度。結果與結論:經分析後刪除未達顯著性題項,保留測量題項共17題,因素負荷量訂在.5以上,萃取自然景觀、人文史蹟、挑戰探索、人為事件四個構面並給與命名。整體馬拉松賽會觀光吸引力量表Cronbach's α係數為.88,各構面α值為.84、.83、.79、.77皆高於.75,顯示本量表具有信效度。吸引力模式經驗證性因素分析修證後,結果X2為294.423、X2/df為2.62、RMSEA值為0.06、GFI值為0.90、AGFI值為0.87、CFI值為0.92、PCFI值為0.66,顯示修正後配適度佳。


Background & Purpose: Tourism industries of global countries' GDP for 2011 accounted for more than 10%. Sport tourism was the fastest growing sector in the global travel and tourism industry, and it was the mainstream market, especially in sport event. There were total 448 running activities held in 2014. Marathon was one of the most important event. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to construct the scale of marathon event tourism attraction, and analyzed and verified the goodness of fit. Based on the sport tourism resource and attraction, the study employed documentary analysis and content analysis to finish the first draft of 19 items. Methods: The subjects were participants of 2014 Bali Marathon, and used convenience sampling to collect related data. A total 400 questionnaires were distributed and 367 questionnaires were recovered. There were 348 valid questionnaires and the rate of return was 94.8%. The SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 edition was used for statistics analysis and the tools were item analysis, reliability analysis, and structure equation modeling to construct and verify the scale of reliability and validity. Results & Conclusions: After analyzing, the study removed no significant items and remained 17 items. The standard of factor loading was employed more than 0.50. There were four dimensions obtained and respectively named them "landscape", "historical", "challenge" , and "event". The Cronbachα coefficient of the scale was 0.88, and the sub-scales were 0.84, 0.83, 0.79, and 0.77 which reached 0.75. The results of the scale revealed an acceptable reliability and construct validity. After attraction model was modified by confirmatory factor analysis, the result of fit measures as following: X2 = 294.423、X2/df = 2.62、RMSEA = 0.06、GFI = 0.90、AGFI = 0.87、CFI = 0.92、PCFI = 0.66. Therefore, the good overall fit of this model was demonstrated.


Sport Tourism Marathon Event Attraction


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教育部體育署 ( 2012 ) 。中華民國101 年運動統計電子書。取自:http://www.sa.gov.tw/wSite/ct?xItem=5457&ctNode=698&mp=11。
