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Research on the Possibility of Religious Facilities Accommodating People Affected by Disaster: A Case Study on Tanshuiting Temple, Taichung City




Now that climate change has begun having an impact on Taiwan, the frequency of natural disasters is growing. When a disaster occurs, public sectors cannot always reach the community to fight fires, rescue victims, and evacuate survivors immediately. However, local resources in the private sector can provide support to the public sector to handle disaster management more effectively. This study focuses on using religious facilities as shelters, and explores issues that can improve the motivation of people to evacuate to such facilities. The research object in this study is the Tanshuiting Temple, Tanzi District, in Taichung City. After interviewing stakeholders connected to the Temple as well as area residents, we found that people's motivation to evacuate to religious facilities will be raised if nearby residents usually regularly participate in activities and celebrations held by the religious facilities. However, because they are limited in the space and equipment necessary for a shelter, a religious facility cannot completely replace designated shelters such as schools or community centers; it can adjust for an evacuation or a gathering in the short-term after a disaster, but is not suitable as a long-term facility. To strengthen the ability of religious facilities being used for disaster management, public sectors can invite facility managers to take part in regular dills, especially regarding shelter management.


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