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Construction and Application of Potential Database of the Debris Flow Torrents in Taiwan




The geological, topographical, and meteorological conditions in Taiwan provide the essential factors for inducing severe debris flow hazards from time to time. The Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, (COA) reported 485 debris flow torrents in Taiwan in 1996. The number increased to 722 due to the severe landslides and mass movements caused by the 921 Chi-Chi earthquake in 1999. A total number of 1,420 debris flow torrents were reported by Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, COA, (SWCB) in 2003 following investigation after typhoon Toraji, 2001. The first potential database of 485 debris flow torrents was established by the debris flow research group of the Office of National Science and Technology Program for Hazard Mitigation (NAPHM) after the Chi-Chi earthquake. The potential data included rating of debris flow potential and delineation of affected area of each torrent. This database was adopted by the Central Emergency Response Office during typhoon warning period after typhoon Toraji, and proved to be effective in reducing number of casualties. The follow-up investigation and construction of comprehensive potential data of the 1,423 debris flow torrent were conducted by Lin, Lien, et al. (2003). The field investigation, construction of database, delineation of affected area, assessment models for potential, susceptibility, and priority for mitigation of 1,423 debris flow torrents were conducted. An information system was constructed for decision support during emergency response and for hazard mitigation measures. Due to the topographic variations and consequences of hazard events, updating and maintenance of the potential database have been conducted by the authority agent, which enables the improvement of disaster prevention strategy, and provide decision support for land use management and regional development.


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