  • 期刊


Sport news reading behavior of college students


目的:本研究旨在瞭解大學生閱讀運動新聞現況,探討學生對閱讀體育資訊的行為。方法:本研究使用簡秋暖(1998) 所設計的「體育科系學生閱讀體育運動新聞使用量表」進行問卷調查方式,以臺北市立大學體育學院學生為受試對象,共發出440 份問卷,經回收整理剔除不完整問卷後得有效問卷403 份(男性223 位、女性180 位)。其資料以描述統計、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。結果:一、學生閱讀時間以1 到20 分鐘占樣本人數66.7%,表示閱讀時間量偏低;二、男性較女性更熱衷於體育運動新聞;三、偏好比賽過程與比賽結果,且關注職業運動高於業餘運動項目。建議:一、可針對不同媒介做分析比較,並對學生影響做不同類型交叉對比;二、可針對單一傳播媒介對學生收看運動新聞之影響進行深入探討;三、可針對閱聽者影響、使用與滿足、交易理論進行探討。


The purpose of this study was to understand the sport news reading behavior of college students. 「Reading Sport News Questionnaire」 (Jan, 1998) was utilized for this study. Participants were 440 students from physical education college of University of Taipei, and 403 sets of data were valid (223 males and 180 females). Descriptive statistic, independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA were used for data analyses. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Most students spend 1-20 min reading sport news which is a small amount of time. 2. Males are more interested in sport news than females. 3. Students prefer to focus on processes and results of sport games, as well as more interest in professional sports than amateur sports. Suggestions: 1. Future researchers could analyze and compare different media sources processing cross-comparison of effects on students. 2. To further study the effects on sport news reading habits of the students through a certain media. 3.Study factors of effects and usage of readers with satisfaction and trading theories.
