  • 期刊


A Study of Using postcolonialism to observe a baseball movie KANO


2014年2月27日,由魏德聖監製,馬志翔導演的電影《KANO》正式在臺上映,內容描述日治時期的台灣,有一支由漢人、原住民和日本人所組成的嘉義農林棒球隊,從原本一勝難求的弱隊,在新教練近藤兵太郎的帶領之下,脫胎換骨,於1931年勇奪全島冠軍並遠征第17屆夏季甲子園大會榮獲亞軍,博得了「天下嘉農」的美名。電影上映後,只花了七週的時間,票房就突破了三億新臺幣大關,足見,這部嘗試還原過去美好的年代,強調永不放棄的運動精神、不同族群合作價值觀的野球電影,必有它獨到的魅力,值得社會大眾進一步加以討論與探究。本文,研究者採用文本分析法對電影文本進行研究,運用後殖民代表性巨擘Said(Edward Wadie Said, 1935─2003)和Spivak(Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, 1942─)的「後殖民理論」對電影《KANO》進行析論,探討電影中牽涉到的「後殖民」議題。並思考進入了「全球化」時代後,用「後殖民」的視角審視《KANO》引發的問題和啟示並提出自己的看法。最後強調,對於電影所引發的「眾聲喧嘩」,研究上應抱持著尊重、謙卑、包容、省思的態度,就像嘉農棒球隊本身的兼容並包,並透過「後殖民」的引導和啟發,建構具臺灣主體性的身分認同及文化內涵。


野球 甲子園 後殖民 全球化


A baseball movie KANO supervised by De-Sheng Wei, directed by Jhih-Siang Ma first run at Taiwan in 02,27,2014. The movie KANO described a baseball team named Chiayi agriculture and forestry ( KANO for short), which was composed of aborigine, Japanese and Chinese. The baseball team KANO scarcely won at first then a new coach Kondo Hiyotaro was appointed to lead the team. The baseball team KANO therefore had a remarkable progress and won the champion of Taiwan area in 1931 . The baseball team KANO represented Taiwan area to attend the 17^th Coshien baseball competition in Japan and won Runner-up finally. The baseball team won a fame of ‘KANO for the world’. It cost 7 weeks only the ticket sales of the baseball movie KANO exceeded 300 million NT$. The baseball movie KANO tried to describe 3 phases, those good old days, the athlete spirit of never give up and the harmonious cooperation is possible between different races. The movie KANO had so much charm, so it must be worth to study further. Researcher used text analysis and adopted the point of views of two masters of postcolonialism Edward Wadie Said (1935-2003) and Gayatri Chakravorty (1942-) to analyze KANO. Researcher investigated the issues of postcolonialism in KANO. In the era of globalization, using postcolonialism to observe those problems caused by KANO and thus researcher offered some suggestions. KANO initiated many different opinions. Researcher should has an attitude including respect, modesty, toleration, and reflection to investigate KANO. Through postcolonialism we can construct the identification of Taiwan and our cultural connotation.


KANO Baseball Coshien Postcolony Globalization


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Tomlinson, John(2003)。文化全球化。臺北:韋伯文化。


