  • 期刊


Yulun: The Meaning and Evolution of the Concept of Public Discourse in China


今日為習者所熟知的「輿論」一詞,可等同於英文的”public discourse”,然而,此詞長期以來都有難以定義的問題,於中西方皆然。有關中國的「輿論」所指涉的內涵與主體,可謂是古今有別,只是在進入現代社會後,人們多半將之與西方的概念結合以觀,而忘卻中西歷史背景與文化語境的差異,也忽略「輿論」一詞在中國社會中的生成過程,及其可能包含的重要觀念之變化。是故,本文即由古代「輿論」字詞的意涵切入觀察,依循時代的遞嬗,探尋詞語所蘊蓄的觀念和獨特的發展軌跡,最後發現此一變遷正好高度貼合晚清至民初幾個重要的時代變革,說明了中國公眾言論的興起與演變,同時也彰顯出中國社會結構在清末民初的遽變。


輿論 輿情 公眾 公共領域


”Yulun”(輿論), generally known as a synonym for the English term ”public discourse,” still remains a rather ambiguous concept both in East and West. The contents and subjects referred to by ”yulun” have changed over time, however, since the advent of modernity it has been generally comprehended in terms of western ”public discourse.” This phenomenon not only is problematic in its inherent unawareness regarding basic differences of Western and Eastern historical backgrounds as well as the particular cultural context, but also in so far as it ignores the evolution of ”yulun” in its original setting of Chinese society. Therefore, this essay explores the unique development of ”yulun” by observing its ancient meaning, pointing out that the transition overlaps with the Late Qing/Early Republican Period and thus illustrates the rise and subsequent change of public discourse in China. This furthermore helps to explain the dramatic changes in social structure during that time.


yulun yuqing community public sphere
